Rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in dry forest fragments of the Cauca river valley
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The composition of beetles from the family Staphylinidae was studied in ten dry forest fragments located in the departments of Valle del Cauca and Risaralda. Sampling was carried out with a transect system with stations spaced every 20 m. Three collection methods were used at each station: (1) Leaf litter sifting and staphylinid extraction with Winkler sacs, (2) Pitfall traps and (3) Visual searching. A total of 1.463 individuals, grouped in eight subfamilies and 78 morphospecies, were collected in 694 sampling stations. This number of morphospecies corresponds to 10,7% of the species reported in Colombia. Subfamilies Paederinae and Staphylininae are the most dominant in the studied forests. At the regional level, the estimators Chao2, Jacknife 2 and ICE indicated that 90,7, 83,0 and 87,7% respectively of the expected species richness was reported in this study. The Alejandría forest fragment showed the highest diversity with 51 species, followed in descending order by El Medio and El Hatico fragments with 36 staphylinid species each. Complementarity indices showed high and similar values, indicating that species composition among the different fragments is relatively different.
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