Information For Authors

If you want to register or apply to this journal to send a manuscript, please request the creation of a user as an author by sending your basic information: names, surnames, affiliation, notification email and ORCID to the contact email of Journal:

Manuscript submission

Manuscript submissions must adhere to the standards indicated in the editorial policy and the authors instructions and submitted through the OJS platform at the following link:

a) Expressed and unanimous intention to publish in the Colombian Journal of Entomology. All authors must express their consent to submit the manuscript to the RCdE. The contribution of each one must be stipulated in writing in the stages of the research development: conception, design, data collection, analysis and writing of the document. Likewise, it should be indicated, if necessary, that the authors followed the ethical standards  for data collection or experimentation with organisms.

b) That the document is unpublished or that it is not being evaluated by another journal.

c) That there are no conflicts of interest. If there is any, it must be declared.

d) Publication license: it requests a paper publication license  for the term of legal protection and for all territories and formats to circulate the contents on the web under open access locally, regionally, and globally and in relevant specialized databases.

e) Authors' information. Indicate the institutional affiliation, major academic title, ORCID ( and email addresses of all authors, specifying the corresponding author. Likewise, it is requested that the letter be signed by all the authors manually. Digital signatures will not be received with some duly justified exceptions. This information must also be filled out on the OJS platform, and list all the authors in the "collaborators" boxes (consult the tutorial videos available on the journal's website).

e) It is requested that authors suggest at least three potential reviewers (PhD, experience in the subject of the article and with publications in indexed journals are preferred) indicating: name, institutional affiliation and email address.


Letter template

Manuscript Template

Journal's primer of submission extended: Authors Guides