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This study tested the efficiency of hydrolyzed corn protein in capturing adults of Lonchaea cristula Mc-Alpine (Dípte­ra: Lonchaeidae), whose larvae cause the loss of floral buds in a cultivated passion flower, "Curuba de Castilla" (Passi­flora mcilissima (H.B.K.) Bailey). Fieldwork was carried out in two fields or curuba located in Tenerife, the town of Cerrito, Valle del Cauca, at 2510 m (mean annual tempera­ture 14, 1°C; relative humidity 75.2%). Four different solutions of Hydrolyzed corn protein were tested: 1) 10°/o solution with sugar; 2) 10°/o solution without sugar; 3) 5°/o solution with sugar; 4) 5°/o solution without sugar. Mc Phail traps were baited with these solu­tions. The traps were set out for three months; their contents were changed and examined every 15 days. Ninety-six percent of 22148 specimens captured belonged to the genus Lonchaea. The results show that Hydrolyzed corn protein a highly specific attractant for these insects. The highest numbers of capture were obtained with a 10% solution with sugar and 50/o solution without sugar.

ROJAS DE HERNÁNDEZ, M., CHACÓN DE ULLOA, P., & TROCHEZ, A. (1985). EVALUATION OF HYDROLYZED CORN PROTEIN FOR CAPTURE OF Lonchaea cristula (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) PEST OF PASSION FRUIT IN THE CAUCA VALLEY. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 11(2), 47–50.
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