A new species of small myrmicine ant in the genus Eurhopalothrix Brown & Kempf, 1961 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Colombia Una nueva especie de hormiga myrmicina pequeña del género Eurhopalothrix Brown & Kempf, 1961 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) de Colombia
Main Article Content
A new species of Eurhopalothrix Brown & Kempf, E. amati Fiorentino, Tocora and Fernández, n. sp. is described based on workers collected in northwestern Colombia. A taxonomic key and distributional map for the new species in the country are provided. This new species differs from other Eurhopalothrix ants by the configuration of specialized setation, a decrease in its propodeal spines, its irregular metanotum profile, and the triangular shape of the head capsule.
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Accepted 2022-01-20
Published 2022-01-28

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