Trichogramma (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) species as an agents of biological control of Oxydia vesulia (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)
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Lepidoptera defoliators are important pests of Eucalyptus. This research aimed to evaluate the potential of Trichogramma acacioi and Trichogramma pretiosum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to control the eucalyptus defoliator Oxydia vesulia (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). Biological parameters and parasitism rate of Trichogramma on eggs of O. vesulia were evaluated under laboratory conditions. Trichogramma pretiosum did not parasitized eggs of O. vesulia but more than 93% of T. acacioi females parasitized eggs of this defoliator, showing its potential for the biological control of this Lepidoptera
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