Efficiency of Mirex-S (sulfluramid 0.3%) bait based on stratified area of ant nests for Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) control
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The efficiency of Mirex-5 (sulfluramid 0.3%) bait in the dosages of 6, 8 and 10 g per square meter of ant nest was evaluated against Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908, based on stratified areas of these nests (area of ant nest was composed by individual areas of each one of them) compared with a dodecachlor bait at 10 g per square meter of an ant nest. The activity of ant nests was evaluated after L 7, 15, 30, 54, 90, 120 and 150 days after application of these baits. Ali ant movement on the surface of their nests finished between 30 and 54 days and no cutting activity of ants was recorded after seven days of application of the baits. Mirex-5 can replace the dodecachlor bait for A. sexdens rubropilosa control, since the efficiency of 88.89, 77.77 and 77.77% was obtained with 6, 8, and 10 g of Mirex-5 per square meter of an ant nest. respectively, while 10 g of the dodecachlor bait per square meter of ant nest reached 77.77% wíth no significant differences between baits and dosages of baits. Measurement of ant nests based on stratified area gave a reduction of 61.31% of the bait quantity compared with the application based on the total area of ant nests. Besides the application of Mirex-5 bait based in this methodology gave a good efficiency of A. sexdens rubropilosa control with cost reduction.
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