Stability of formulations based on granulovirus for controlling Tecia solanivora (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in the field
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One of the principal problems of potato cultivation in Colombia is the Guatemalan moth Tecia solanivora, which causes damage in the field and during tuber storage. For its biological control under storage conditions, products have been developed based on the granulovirus denominated “Baculovirus Corpoica”, the only one registered in Colombia. However, with the isolation of a native granulovirus known as VG003, two biopesticide prototypes were formulated as a dispersible granular (WG) and as an emulsifiable concentrate (EC), designed for control of the insect under field conditions. Considering that the stability of biopesticide under storage is a determining parameter for their registration and commercialization, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the physicochemical, microbiological and biological stability of the products over six months of storage at 6ºC, 20ºC and 28ºC. Insecticidal activity of both formulations remained stable at 6ºC and 20ºC, with efficacies that ranged between 60% and 70%. Contaminant content increased during storage but was maintained within the established acceptance limits. However, physicochemical characteristics were affected by elapsed time and high temperature, which is why storage at 20ºC is recommended, and which would also reduce costs during commercialization since it would eliminate the necessity for refrigeration during transport and commercialization.
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