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In the period of 1998 and 1999, the  Health Secretary of Guainia made a search about triatomines in 38 native communities of the Guainia department and the determination of seroprevalence infection with Trypanosoma cruzi. The entomological results reported a triatomine dispersion index of 31.5% and the presence of three species of Trtatomlne insect vectors: Rhodnius brethesi, Rhodnlus ,prolixus and Pastrongylus geniculatus. Rhodnius prolixus and Pastrongylus geniculatus are new records for Guainía. R. brethesi is the specie with the highest distribution in the department, it was captured in ten communities while R. prolixus was captured in one and  P. geniculatus in two.  Natural infection with T. cruzi was found in two specimens of R. brethesi. The serological results show the prevalence of infection with T. cruzi in 4 communities.

VILLEGAS, M. E., LÓPEZ, A. A., MANOTAS, L. E., MOLINA, J., & GUHL, F. (2001). Distribution of Triatornine (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in the department of Guainía and its role in the transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 27(2), 115–120.