Transmission of Yam Mild Mosaic Virus to Dioscorea rotundata (Dioscoreaceae) by Oncometopia sp (Cicadellidae)
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The transmission capacity of the Yam Mild Mosaic Virus (YMMV) by Oncometopia sp in D. rotundata cv. Botón was determined. This was done by collecting adult specimens of Oncometopia sp from D. rotundata crops located in the municipality of Toluviejo, department of Sucre, Colombia. Transmission bioassays were conducted on D. rotundata cv. Botón free of YMMV, using naturally infected field plants as a source of inoculum. The plants used in the bioassays developed different symptoms, such as mosaics, banding, wrinkling and foliar deformation. Detection of the virus in these plants as well as in Oncometopia sp was achieved by the IC-RT-PCR technique. This is the first report on the identification of a leafhopper as a yam virus vector.
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