Organization and utility of a collection of insects for reference and work in four tropical crops
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AH, insects collected by CIAT and cooperating institutions have been organized in a centralized taxonomic, economic collection that covers CIAT's mandated crops: rice, beans, cassava, and tropical pastures. The collection is used mainly as reference material, for documentation purposes and for the training of national program personnel. In addition to the central taxonomic collection, there is a small economic collection that is used for demonstration and teaching purposes. This contains the most important crop pests, some of their immature stages, some of their natural enemies, and essential information on life cycles. Most of the specimens have been obtained through collections made by CIAT or cooperating institutions. and in a few cases through donations or exchange. To identify insects, CIAT is assisted by taxonomists specialized in different groups. A database (Dbase III) was created to organize the information which is then made available to researchers and institutions. At present, there are about 20,000 specimens, 80% of which have been collected in Colombia and 20% in 28 different countries. Approximately, 110 families, 380 genera, and 412 species have been identified. The database has 1,687 records: 293 belong to the Cassava Program, 370 to the Rice Program, 507 to the Bean Program, and 517 to the Forages Program and in-eludes valuable information about geographic distribution, host plants, natural enemies and taxonomic status.
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