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Diatraea spp. populations have been managed in some areas of the Cauca Valley, Colombia, by means of inundative releases of Tricho­gramma sp. However, recent field evaluations díd not reveal significant benefits resulting from these liberations. Comparative taxo­nomic studies confirmed that two species were involved: T pretiosum, the species reared and released commercially, and T exiguum, the species obtained fromDiatraea eggs collected in the field. Samples taken from different cr­eas of the country showed that the only spe­cies found parasitizing Diatraea spp. eggs are T exiguum. Additional information about morphological characteristics is given to dif­ferentiate T atopovirilia and T. fuentesi, other species found in Colombia wad recorded in America as parasites of Diatraea spp. eggs. It is suggested that T exiguum should be mass-reared and released in commercial sugar cane fields to manage Diatraea spp. populations.

GÓMEZ-L., L. A., DÍAZ-M., A. E., & LASTRA-B., L. A. (1996). Survey of Trichogramma species associated with sugar cane in Colombia. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 22(1), 1–5.