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A mass rearing technique for the parasitoid C. stephanoderis on (Coffee Berry Borer) CBB immature stages was developed using, the Cenibroca artificial diet (Portilla 1999). Evaluations were based on the number of emerging adult female and male CBB and its parasitoid progeny. 750 mi of Cenibroca diet was poured unto a rectangular plastic tray and divided into 1.500 small pellets using a grille squeezed into it while still hot. Using 55­60% diet moisture content at 27°C and 85% RH the emergence of CBB progeny adults started on day 26 after the date of the inoculation of the borer adult female. Approximately 59.100 CBB stages in 750 ml of artificial diet (per tray) were obtained 40 days after diet infestation. in the parasitization process a total of 2.500 immature stages were placed in a plastic rearing container, in which 60 wasps were placed. 1.500 female and male wasps per container were obtained between day 30 to day 45 after the inoculation of female parasitoids.

PORTILLA, M. (1999). Mass rearing technique for Cephalonomia stephanoderis (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) on Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) developed using Cenibroca artificial diet. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 25(1), 57–66.