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During the last decade, Garcia Rovira province (Santander department, Colombia) has had some problems with greenhouse whitefly control, "Ttieleurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)", which affects several crops of this province. Some Fusarium species can be considered promissory entomopathogenic for biological control of sucking insects (aphids, scales, and whiteflies). The goal of this study was to know the Fusarium species predominant in the zone. from leaves and/or folioles of tobacco and kidney beans with T. oeporeriorum. 168 colonies of Fusarium were isolated and identified, according to their macroscopic characteristics (morphology, coloration, and diameter) developed on  Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) and their microscopic characteristics (macroconidia, microconidia, conidiophores, and chlamydoconidia) on Carnation Leaf Agar (CLA). Species identification of all isolated colonies was carried out by contrasting obtained characteristics on PDA and CLA with different identification keys available up to date. Thirteen fusarium species were isolated and identified from T. vaporariorum. They were: F. sambucinum, F. graminearum, F.  compactum, F.equisetí, F.  auenaceum, F.  longipes, F. reticulatum, F.  oxysporum, F. heterosporum, F.culmorum, F.  ieteritium, F.  coccophilum, and  F. crookwellense. Further research must prove whether these species can be involved with T.  uaporariorum population control.

ROJAS-M., E., PEREA-A., E. l., & PINEDA-V., Y. A. (2003). Fusarium spp. on Ttieleurodes uaporariorum from tobacco and kidney beans of García Rovira, Santander, Colombia. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 29(2), 165–168.