Emergence patterns of Orgyia ericae (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) parasitoids
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To provide guidance on the utilization and conservation of the forest defoliator Orgyia ericae parasitoids, we survey its parasitoid species. We identified the developmental stages associated with the different parasitoids, and the emergence pattern of adult parasitoids. Observations of hatching were conducted hourly from 7am to 12pm until all adults had emerged. Pupation time, emergence patterns, and the abundance of Exorista larvarum parasitoids were recorded in detail. The abundance and daily emergence patterns of Bracon (Habrobracon) sp., and Tetrastichus sp. were analyzed. Bracon (Habrobracon) sp. and E. larvarum both had only one emergence peak, whereas Tetrastichus sp. had two. The daily emergence of Bracon (Habrobracon) sp., Tetrastichus sp. and E. larvarum peaked at 3 to 5pm, 3 to 5pm and 7 to 8am, respectively. The E. larvarum pupation distribution was characterized by two peaks.
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