Effects of aging and polygamy on the reproductive performance of Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
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Males and females of Grapholita molesta (Lep., Tortricidae) are polygamous. in order to evaluate the effects of polyandry and polygyny in the reproductive performance of this species, newly-emerged adults were submitted to either of two treatments: monogamous couples together until death or males and females receiving virgin partners one or three days old every day until death. The fecundity and fertility of all females were evaluated daily. Mean fecundity was similar in both monogamic and poliandric females; however, females paired with one day old males presented the lowest mean fertility. Similarly, fecundity and fertility means were significantly lower in females paired with polygynic males, in comparison to monogamic females. A negative correlation was found between male age and the number of copulated females. Males presented the highest number of copulations between three and eight days of age. oviposition patterns were similar in the polyandric and in the monogamic groups, with the highest number of fertile eggs being observed after day three of initial pairing. females of G. molesta do not need to copulate with additional virgin males to enhance their fertility rates. After their third day of life, males are able to copulate with a high number of females, keeping themselves fertile for a long period.
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