Advances on the biology of Corthylus zulmae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Alnus acuminata (Betulaceae)
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Alnus acuminata is a native species used in reforestation and industrial forestry programs in Colombia. It is currently attacked by an insect recently described as Corthylus zulmae, which is inhibiting the use of this plant. Establishing management strategies for this pest is required, which is why it is necessary to understand basic aspects of its biology. In this study we evaluated the population dynamics of the pest over one year through destructive sampling of affected trees. The adult flight period was followed using traps with attractants; observations on the life cycle were made by following the insect biological stages collected in the field; and substrates for rearing the insect were evaluated in the laboratory. The results showed that this insect reproduces in decaying trees or trunks in the soil with low humidity content. This insect showed greater flight activity when temperature was higher, and precipitation and relative humidity were lower. A description of the life stages was made and we estimated that a complete cycle might last more than 48 days and, that eggs could require around 28 days in order to develop into an adult. The artificial diets reported for rearing other coleopterans in the laboratory were not efficient for establishing a confined colony of C. zulmae.
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