Spatio-temporal distribution of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama adults on Citrus latifolia in Nayarit, Mexico: Implications for regional management
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The citrus disease known as Huanglongbing (HLB) is one of the most important worldwide. Present in Mexico since 2009, its current management is carried out mainly through population monitoring and control of its insect vector, Diaphorina citri with the use of insecticides and natural enemies. The objective of this research was to estimate the spatio-temporal distribution of Diaphorina citri populations in Persian lime Citrus latifolia with a regional management scheme in Nayarit, Mexico. The study was conducted in 2018-2020 in two environments: warm subhumid and semi-warm subhumid. Temporal fluctuation and spatial distribution were obtained by capturing psyllid adults in orchards in both climatic zones with 2.041 yellow traps, which were reviewed biweekly. Analysis of variance of the number of adults was carried out between localities, by climatic zone and between months of the year. Correlations between populations and temperature and rainfall were estimated. The adult population of D. citri was statistically similar between orchards in the same climatic zone, for which the same management by climatic zone is justified. In both climates, a significant difference in populations of D. citri was detected between the months of the year. In warm subhumid climate, the highest adult populations of D. citri were recorded in July and August, so it would be necessary to apply a control measure in this period. In semi-warm subhumid climates, the highest adult populations of the psyllid occurred in February-March and August, in this period is recommended to apply a control measure. In this study, no significant correlation was detected between populations of D. citri with temperature or rainfall. Control of D. citri can be regional, differentiated in each climatic zone and according to the months of the year with the largest population.
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Accepted 2022-08-25
Published 2022-07-07

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