First report of Cephalonomia gallicola (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) in Mexico: A case of stings in humans
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Among the medically important Hymenoptera, the family Bethylidae stands out, among these the wasp Cephalonomia gallicola (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) that causes dermatitis in humans. This work reports for the first time in Mexico the presence of C. gallicola and a case of stings in humans. This report was raised in October 2019 where the affected people collected 20 specimens of C. gallicola and four individuals of its host (Lasioderma serricorne) within their home. The wasps caused approximately 10 stings per individual in three members of the affected family. This is the first reported record in Mexico of C. gallicola causing health problems in humans. Case records are sparse, possibly because the diagnosis must be based on the history and physical findings of the sting, which can be difficult unless a detailed explanation of the home environment is obtained. More research is required in the country of possible accidental human encounters with these insects, and how it affects the health of the population.
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Accepted 2022-02-16
Published 2022-01-28

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