Bt protein toxicity in Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) fed on maize stigmas in Paraguay
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The “The fall armyworm” Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) is considered a key pest in the maize crop. Genetically modified maize, event or Bt maize (Bacillus thuringiensis) contain genes that express toxic proteins for this pest, different for each event. The objective of this research was to evaluate the toxicity between Bt events, determining the mortality and the biological parameters of importance. The S. frugiperda population previously collected from the field was reared under laboratory conditions fed with stigmas of MIR162TM (Vip3A19), VT3ProTM (Cry1A105, Cry2Ab2, Cry3Bb), PowerCoreTM (Cry1A105, Cry1F, Cry2Ab2), and treatment with non-Bt BR106 maize. The event with the VIP3Aa19 protein (MIR162TM) had high toxicity in the expression of the plant stigmas against S. frugiperda. The VT3ProTM (Cry1A105, Cry2Ab2, Cry3Bb) and PowerCoreTM (Cry1A105, Cry1F, Cry-2Ab2) events showed low toxicity in the expression of plant stigmas. The VT3ProTM event (Cry1A105, Cry2Ab2, Cry3Bb) can affect the fecundity of the surviving insect population.
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Accepted 2022-02-09
Published 2022-01-28

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