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Two Beauveria bassiana isolates and eight in­secticide formulations were examined in vitro to determine compatible combinations for the Hypothenemus hampei management. Differences were found among the isolates. In ad­dition, the isolates reacted in a different way depending on the insecticide formulation. Diazinon WP, malathion, and fenitrothion were the most toxic; the other insecticides had vari­able effects on the isolates. The inhibition ef­fect increased throughout the mixing time. A fungistatic effect of the insecticides on the iso­lates was observed. The interaction in the spray tank could be avoided by using separate ap­plications of the two products. However, this will represent a higher cost in the borer sup­pression.

RIVERA-MALO, A., BUSTILLO-PARDEY, A. E., & MARÍN-MARÍN, P. (1994). Compatibility of two isolates of Beauveria bassiana Vuill. with insecticides used for the Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) control. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 20(4), 209–214.