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The research was done to study the efective­ness of the pheromone Grandlure on the cotton boll weevil Anthonomus grandis Bo­heman, measure the maximum radius activity, and evaluate its presentation (Whole and Fractions). Two consecutive trials were done in a five hectares cotton field without crop residues from past seasons or ratoon cotton (soca); the experimental were located in Va­lledupar (Cesar) with 200 masl, 30°C of average temperature and 1160 mm average rainfall. Results show that both presentations attract the insect in a maximum radius of 100 m. It was not detected significative differences in attraction according to doses; assembly traps with any of both doses provide satisfac­tory results. However, whole doses in a square inch were superior in the number of individuals captured. The trap color does not influence the degree of attraction.

BOLAÑO-AMAYA, R. E. (1994). Effectiveness of the phernomone used in weevil traps Anthonomus grandis Boheman. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 20(1), 1–6.