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The greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vapo­rariorum (Westwood) is one the most impor­tant insect pests in horticulture, ornamental and fruit crops. Adequate management as the use of threshold levels, specific and ra­tional application of insecticides is essential. Several trials were carried out in the Sumapaz region, in Colombia, since 1987 against T vaporarionun, a key pest of snap beans (Pha­seolus vulgaris). These trials demonstrated the powerful insecticide action of Imidacloprid (NTN 33893). Imidacloprid, a novel substance with a different action and mechanism related to the chloronicotinic nitroguanidines com­pounds, was used as a seed dressing (Imida­cloprid WS 70) and showed interesting de­gree of protection until 35 days, afterward was completed by sprays with foliar applica­tions (Imidacloprid SC 350). Another alterna­tive was the granulated formulation (Imida­cloprid GR 5) which was spread on the row at planting; Chis treatment showed an inter­esting degree of protection until 55 days. The start of the foliar application depended on the threshold levels established by ICA-CIAT. The preparation can be used in a broad range of agriculturally important crops, furthermore, it has a different biochemical target, high sys­temic action, low toxicity, and is effective against sucking insects such as T. vaporario­rum; important characteristics within an In­tegrated Pest Management Program.

OROZCO, O. L., ABELLA, F., & PINZON, C. (1995). Imidacloprid, a chemistry tool of the future within an integrated management of green house whiteflies. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 21(2), 87–90.