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The life tables of Hypothenemus hampei were elaborated and compared on the coffee accessions Coffea liberica, Coffea arabica CCC 534 and the susceptible variety Caturra, in order to find sources of resistance to this insect under controlled conditions (26ºC ± 1, 75% ± 5 R. H.). Two assays were performed: in the first, the development of the immature stages was followed and survival was estimated.  In the second, adult survival and fecundity were determined using 36day old females. The duration of the cycle for CCC 534, C. liberica and Caturra was similar: total 20 days, egg four, first instar four, second instar six, prepupa two and pupa four days, approximately. The number of accumulated eggs in the three accessions fit quadratic functions. The confidence intervals (95%) showed significant differences between the accessions and the control: CCC 534 32 ± 2, C. liberica 28 ± 2 and Caturra 42 ± 2 eggs per female. The sex ratios were 9.2, 9.8, and 9.8 male: female, respectively. There was no difference in survival (range 58-63%) up to 72 days for the three accessions. There were differences in the net reproductive rate (Ro) among Caturra (25 ± 1 eggs), CCC 534 (18 ± 2), and C. liberica (15 ± 2); in the intrinsic rate of increase (r) (0.073 ± 0.001, 0.065 ± 0.002, 0.057 ± 0.003, respectively), and the duplication time (10 ± 0.2, 11 ± 0.4, 12 ± 0.6 days). In the generation time there was only a differences between Caturra and C. liberica (45 ± 0.4, 47 ± 0.8, respectively).

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