Susceptibility and resistance mechanisms of Tetranychus urticae (Acariformes: Tetranychidae) in greenhouse roses
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The degree of resistance of a Tetranychus urticae population, from production greenhouse roses, was determined for five miticides from different toxicological groups in comparison to a laboratory line. The presence of enzymes related to that resistance was also evaluated. Several bioassays were conducted on the laboratory line to establish the slope of the concentration /mortality relationship. Afterwards, the value of LC90 was selected and doubled to obtain a diagnostic concentration, in such a way that applying it to the field line would determine the degree of resistance. Lastly, biochemical tests were conducted to detect enzymes related to the resistance. The highest levels of α and β-esterase and oxidases were presented in the field population. These results suggest that α and β-esterase and oxidases are involved in the resistance of the population studied
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- ERNESTO CERNA, YISA OCHOA, LUIS AGUIRRE, MOHAMMAD BADII, GABRIEL GALLEGOS, JERÓNIMO LANDEROS, Resistance levels in populations of Tetranychus urticae in strawberry crops , Revista Colombiana de Entomología: Vol. 35 No. 1 (2009)

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