Evaluation of neuropharmacological profile of oil from Ulumoides dermestoides (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)
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The neuropharmacological profile of extracted oil from Ulumoides dermestoides “in vivo” to establish its effect on the central nervous system was studied. The method used was random blocks of four treatments: Control Substance (saline solution), Problem Substance (oil from U. dermestoides), Stimulant Pattern substance (Amphetamine) and Depressive Pattern Substance (Diazepam and Diphenhydramine) by using Swiss iCr strain albino mice (Mus musculus). The results show that the oil (3mg/kg, ov) has a CnS depressing effect on this specie and indicate some significant difference between treatments. The comparative analysis of obtained data concerning the CNS depressing effect of the oil compared with the other treatments used, points out this depressing effect is dose-dependent over time.
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