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Parasitoids Hymenoptera of the families Braconidae and Ichneumonidae were collected, also was determinate their natural parasitism on fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Durango valley region, Mexico. The Braconids species found were: Chelonus insularis (= texanus), Ch. cautus and two species of Meteorus sp., and of Ichneumonidae: Pristomerus spinator and Campoletis sonorensis. In the spring-summer cycle 2012, were collected 1,600 larvae at four locations within the region with altitude range of 1,876-1,973 masl; from these, 316 larvae showed parasitism, which represents a level of natural parasitism on fall armyworm larvae of 19.75%. C. sonorensis was the most abundant specie in J. Gpe. Aguilera (44.25%) to 1,952 masl, while the less abundant was Meteorus sp.1 (2.25%) in Lerdo de Tejada to 1,883 masl. Ch. insularis was present in four localities around area of 5, 543.1 km2, with a larval parasitism levels of 6.75 to 19%. The other five species of parasitoids are considered new reports in the studied area. This work is a contribution to the knowledge of the family Braconidae and Ichneumonidae parasitoids, and their parasitism level on the armyworm in Durango, Mexico.

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