Insecticide activity of botanical formulates on the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
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The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda constitutes the most important pest of corn, Zea mays, and mainly synthetic chemical insecticides are used for its control. The use of botanical compounds is a potentially effective alternative for pest control. The effect of formulations of Eucalyptus globulus, Jatropha curcas, Petiveria alliacea, Ricinus communis and Ruta graveolens, (A) at concentrations of 5%, 10% and 15% (B) on mortality, food inhibition and weight of larvae of S. frugiperda was evaluated. Using second and third instar larvae, spray and choice bioassays were performed using a factorial design AxB + 3 controls [chemical insecticide (cypermethrin), commercial botanical (azadirachtin) and absolute control (water)]. Of the botanical compounds, mortality was higher when J. curcas oil (33.7%) and P. alliacea hydrolate (26.2%) were applied at. 15 mL.L-1. Larvae fed with corn leaves soaked with the three concentrations of P. alliacea and R. graveolens hydrolates showed 71-76% food inhibition, as well as the lowest weight of larvae. The results show the insecticidal activity of the botanical formulations evaluated and their potential for controlling S. frugiperda.
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Accepted 2022-04-05
Published 2022-01-28

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