Crabronidae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in Mexico: Occurrence and Potential Uses in Biological Control
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The family Crabronidae (order Hymenoptera) includes excavating and hunting wasps of more than 9,009 species within 249 genera that are distributed globally, especially in the tropics. The objective of this research was to improve the knowledge of the occurrence of the family Crabronidae in Mexico from a review of the scientific literature and to provide data on species of importance in biological control. The results revealed that 769 species representing 99 genera have been reported in Mexico. With the current review, 8.5% of the species known worldwide were found to be present in the country and the list of species was increased by 32%. The genus Cerceris and Trypoxylon had the highest number of species, 130 species and 58 species, respectively. The Mexican states of Baja California Norte, Sonora and Tamaulipas have the highest number of Crabronidae species. A total of 211 species were added to the list of Crabronidae in Mexico. Twelve genera and eight species of Crabronidae used as biological control agents of various pests were recognized. Further research on the diversity of this group of insects is suggested, given the importance that crabonids have as predators and natural enemies of insect pests that affect economically important crops.
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Accepted 2022-04-18
Published 2022-01-28

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