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Bioassays conducted to evaluate the susceptibility of five carnation Te­tranychus cinnabarinus strains in the Sabana de Bogotá area (Inversiones Targa (IT), Flores del Río (FR), Flo­res Achalay(FA), Agrícola de Occi­dente (AO) y Flores Toyú (FT) ) to the. miticides ometoato, dienochlor and cyhexatin, showed that there were no differences in the response of the strains to the former two products. Resistance levels of 5,8 - 6.7fold for cyhexatin were found in the strains IT, FR, FA, and AO when compared to FT the susceptible one.

MURILLO-L., A., & MOSQUERA, F. (1984). EVALUATION OF RESISTANCE TO THREE ACARICIDES USED IN THE CONTROL OF Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval) IN CLAVEL CROPS FOR EXPORT. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 10(1-2), 51–56.