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Foliar mildew complex on African Oil Palm (association of Leptinotarsa gibbicarina (Froeschner) Hemiptera: Tingidae with the plant pathogen Pestalotiopsis spp.) is an endemic problem in the Central and Northern regions of Colombia. This abnormality is responsible for reductions up to 60°/o in yields. The entomopathogenic S. insectorum was found controlling up to 98°/o the lacewing bug L. hevea in rubber plantations of Brazilian Amazo­nas. This fungus was introduced into Colombia by Indupalma, San Alberto (Cesar), to test against L. gibbicarina; comparing the growth of this fungus in four media (Sabourand, maltose, agar plus 1°/o yeast extract SDA; potato, dextrosa, agar PDA; agar plus pandit (mineral sales); semisynthetic salt enrich medium and the commercial medium 5467, specific for entorno­pathogens), under a completely rando­mized factorial design with four replicates in which two strains were subjected to 20, 27 and 30°C. It was found that S. insectorum grey,/ well in all the tested media at 27 and 30°C (65% R.H.), being the optima] tem­perature 27°C. Testing pathogenicity under laborato­ry conditions using five conidial con­centrations (10, 105, 106, 107, 108) on 100 adults of L. gibbicarina per treatment, under a completely rando­mized design with four replications, it was found a positive effect at all concentrations in controlling the in­sects, when they were compared to the control (10 ml of water) the porcent­ages of mortality were: 1.3, 73.5, 73.4 and 72.2°/o showing no significant differences between different concen­tration. To test the pathogenicity of the two strains of fungi under fields conducting a randomized design was used with the same concentrations and replica­tion as before but using 100 insects per treatment which were settled up in a palm leaf inside a screen cage (1,2 m x 40 cm diameter). The dif­ferences in the percentage of mortality between the treatments (concentra­tions) and the control were highly significant for both strains. For practical propones, it advisable to use 107 to 108 conidia/ml of fungy. The results obtained showed the great possibility of using S. insectorum to 'reach a good control of L. gibbicarina in African Oil Palm. However, more research should be done in other agroecological areas and perhaps in Tingidae of other crops.

ORDÓÑEZ, A. I., & GENTY, P. (1989). EVALUATION OF THE FUNGUS Sporothrix insectorum (Hoog and Evans) ON THE LACE BUG Leptopharsa gibbicarina (Froeschner) IN AFRICAN PALM. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 15(2), 10–20.